It’s extremely frustrating but maybe when they realise that nobody will engage with them when they play like this they’ll either stop or move to another game that allows weird try hard tactics. I think personally the best way to combat this is to not engage, report, move lobby. Until that happens, you ARE the problem, as said above.” The only people who can put a stop are the devs. You're not policing, you're not going to make a difference in stopping people from glitching. Some people get tired of losing to hacks so they start using it themselves, making the hacking issue grow even more. This happens in games with people using hacks all the time. You see 2 guys using it, so you have 2 guys that use it to 'combat the glitch.' Now someone who isn't glitching is getting killed by you, so they feel like they have to glitch as well to 'combat the glitch.' My opinion on using it because they do was summed up pretty well by u/lolife250: